Dec 16, 2013

Weekend off from the "normal" blog stuff.(Parental discretion advised: Contains high levels of Testosterone)

Weekend out with some of my tribe...

This adventure started with Layla and I hiking about a mile in the dark to a hidden camp near the top of a ridge.  We were located at.... no wait it was hidden.
We got there set up camp, made some friends and eat some grub.

The next morning held lot's of promise early.  Fall out the rack we're burning daylight...

You talkin' to me ?  ?  ?
W H A T ???  It's already morning?

We need discipline in this camp, don't make me put my foot down, again.

So with everybody up and moving there were a few chores that needed to be done.

There was a chance of rain turning to snow or freezing rain or snot or some other bad weather.

Time to cut more wood and also expand our cover a little bit more.

Tater?  Tater?   Where'd he go...... Aha! Caught ya!  Quit goofin' off we're all ready to go.  Watch out for the thorn bushes!  (note: videos may not play on all mobile platforms, working on editing)

Well since there's a small break in the weather, let's go shoot something. :-)
Carl (AKA Gary) is headed down-range to set up a target, I'm showing Terry the camera and opportunity knocks.

Now that everybody is through just messing around we can get down to business.
Haggan your up, bring that shotgun over here take a shot.
Nice shot for shotgun with a slug.  Next.   Tater step up.
WOW!! Just like the Dukes of Hazard!  Don't care who ya are, that's funny.

 Alright Terry next round.

Well, that was not cool.  In his defense the second detonation was his (camera man blew it ).

Fun had to end, remember the weather?
But wait that was not first...
It started as rain, continued most all Saturday up into and through the night, with a little sleet and THEN turned to snow.
There are few pictures because this cameraman was hunkered down trying to stay dry and warm. I failed at staying dry therefore it got a little chilly.

Sunday morning we all started to pack and leave...
Which went like this....  Run to fire, thaw out, go take down, pack, run back to fire, repeat process.

I think I saw a tear in Drew's eye as he had to take apart his bed at the Hilton ;-)
The hike back out since all good things must come to and end.

Thanks for coming along, I'm gonna return the blog back to it's original programming.
But remember kids, do not attempt this on your own, these are trained professionals.

AS ALWAYS,  Get out, go adventure and be safe.

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