Oct 5, 2013

Tumbling Creek Adventure

This adventure started with a storm,, or least driving through one. But, after hours of storms I found my self in a beautiful setting...
Yes, the boss was watching while I made this post.
Tumbling Creek is in the Cherokee National Forest in TN.  The campground is not that hard to find, if you've gotten good directions.  My purpose for being here was to meet some other nomads and enjoy their company.

One of them turned out to be very knowledgeable in the ways of the forest.  Rita told me being raised in Germany she  had to learn all the "womanly ways".
Now before anyone can protest about sexist remarks, those were her words.  And honestly I'm glad she learned them and is willing to pass along that knowledge.

She stopped by my camp and asked if I would like to go with her to photograph and harvest some mushrooms.  I certainly would!  I've never been one to pass up the chance to learn something new about my forest home..

Little did I realize she had found the mother-lode of mushrooms!  Like all things in the forest these were not given up easily.  She asked me to look, look at the forest and did I see anything out of place?  I thought some brightly colored debris had washed up from them creek.  Look to the left of where she is standing.

We had to duck and turn through the brush and trees and even remove their guardian from our path.
 I must say she spotted before I did...
He was a common Black Racer set to scare off any that would find the mushrooms.  I placed him out of our path so we could continue our quest.
Here is what we found...


Lobster mushrooms and lots of them.

These are not only edible they are quite delicious.

There is probably three to four pounds in this one place.

She told me that to harvest these you should trim them about and inch or so from where them stem attaches to the tree.  This leaves the mycelium intact so that the mushroom will grow out again next year.

Notice how free and clear of blemishes they are.  Rita pointed out that there were no holes in the stems indicating no bugs had been in them.  When bugs enter the fleshy part of the mushroom they often times are headed for the mycelium and the rest of where the mushroom is attached.

 She was very happy with this find.

 And I had a great time with her cooking up the 'rooms and some fish and a salad of artichokes and black olives.
Doesn't that just look good???

Sauteed in a little butter with onions.

It all met with cuzzin' Dick's approval.

Now that's how it's done in the forest.

I'll be posting some more about the Fall GTG at Tumbling Creek.
Right now the "boss" says it's time for a walk...

Get out, be safe, and go adventure.


  1. Just came back from the mountains of North Carolina and saw these same mushrooms. Never touched them because I didn't know they were edible. Too bad!

    1. I have done the same thing, passed on mushrooms that looked very close to the same. Rita has childhood experience of harvesting these as a young child and taught me things I didn't know on this trip. Will I be less cautious? Probably not but at least now I've added a new food to my wilderness list.

  2. If you are eating wild mushrooms, educate yourself first as a matter of caution. Many of the choice mushrooms are quite distinctive, but it is a good idea to read up on the subject including on any poisonous shrooms that resemble the target.

    1. How very true Douglas, there are many "look-alikes" in all the foraging groups. That's why I have steered clear of the mushrooms, for the most part. Rita enlightened me to some things this trip and has shown me at least a couple foods to add to my list. I always advocate if you don't know it, don't eat it. Maybe that explains my aversion to fast food joints. ;-)

  3. wow sorry I missed this and I don't eat mushrooms.

    1. I'm sorry you missed it and we didn't get to meet. And while I'm not one to rub it in... You sure missed some good food. We ended up cooking together a couple of nights, what a feast.

  4. That sure looks delicious. I see Rita brought her Topf :)

  5. Hey Dan, It was really great to meet you at TC. I found some more of those Lobster mushrooms and I also found a Cauliflower mushroom. Very tasty.I have always tried to find edible plants when I am in the woods,and meeting Rita was a bonus.

  6. I have discovered,after more research,that these are "chicken of the woods" mushrooms. They are similar in color,but are a different variety.

  7. Hey thanks Joey for doing a little more research and sharing it here. Visit this blog from time to time, I am going to post here the things that would have gone to Readiness Resources another blog that I have, my intent is to eliminate that one. Everything will be here, so there should be more things coming to learn and opportunity to share ideas.

  8. Hey Fireman428 - it was GREAT meeting you at the GTG. I, also, greatly enjoyed Rita's mushrooms and the other vitals. I had attended a previous gathering and Rita harvested some Chanterelle mushrooms which we also cooked and ate. I have some pictures of them on my blog, http://www.PuddinInVannaWhite.wordpress.com. I also want to add that, after you left, Lisa and Rachael let me read their book on edible mushrooms. It had pictures of the edible plants and where to find them. It also warned to never eat certain types and pointed them out. Joey found some mushrooms when he searched the forest after Rita left.

  9. all in all, what can I say cuz, awesome camp, food, new friendships, don't git no bettern dat. lol.

  10. Thanks for posting the link to your blog Dan; I had no idea you had one and I see I am missing out on a lot of good reading.


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