Apr 9, 2014

One More Versatile Food

I recently shared a food idea with some of the folks at a "Get To Gether" of Vandwellers in the Cherokee National Forest.
One of the problems facing folk that live in vehicles is food storage and variety.
Yes, I know beans and rice are easy, light and fairly compact.... and boring.
So what can you pack that will last without refrigeration and yet be versatile enough to mix up the menu??
How about tortillas as a bread substitute?  That's right those flat round things made of either flour or corn.  The first thing that always pops into everybody's head is burritos every night, how is that not b-o-r-i-n-g???

Well here's an idea that's quick easy and quite tasty (I had testers in the forest).
                                            "Sloppy Joe Roll Ups"

Start by spreading a couple of tablespoons of the ready-to-eat Sloppy Joe sandwich maker on the tortilla.
(I think I found this in Walmart grocery section. While it is a little bit pricey, the convenience of being able to store this for several months is great!)
Next lay a couple of slices of cheese or even sprinkle Parmesan cheese if you have no fresh cheese.  Of course add any other spices or flavoring you choose, but this is simple and very tasty.
 Then roll it all up...
 And then wrap it up.  I roll mine straight with the foil and twist the ends.  I tried rolling diagonally across the foil and that just leaves a flap for the heat to escape.
It's now ready to put on the grill over a fire!  Turn it frequently and when it gets hot it's ready.
Another beautiful thing... NO DISHES TO WASH.

What else can you do with the tortillas???
How about roll up some salami, pepperoni or other "packaged" meat slices that don't require refrigeration?
OR, spread a little butter and cinnamon, roll up, wrap up, and heat up a home made breakfast.
These also make pretty tasty PBJ sandwiches!

The list is only as short as your imagination.

And, I guess if you insist on rice and beans you could really make burritos.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you would please comment on anything you try in a tortilla I would love to hear it.


  1. I went off yeast breads a couple years ago. Went to tortillas. Found the flour ones don't agree with me much and the corn ones I don't really like. But I found a flour/corn mix tortilla somewhere which I loved. Have not been able to find it again. Shell life is much better than yeast breads.

  2. The flour tortilla with butter and cinnamon is a close approximation of lefse for those of Scandinavian decent. Yummm!

  3. Yeah Swankie the shelf life is what made me start using them.
    Linda I didn't know that, I just like the sweet breakfast ;-)

  4. I like to fry a couple corn tortillas with an egg for breakfast. Or warm them over a low flame for a nice "bread" with soup or salad.

    Robyn (Mrs. D) www.mrsdshomestead.com

  5. Thanks Robyn, that sounds like a good idea for breakfast guess I'll have to go get some eggs

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