May 19, 2013

Having things....

"To have much in life, waste nothing."

Not your' resources,  whatever they may be large or small.

Not your' time,  there is a season for all things and you need to do all things in their season.

Not your creativity,  mind-numbing activities such as watching other peoples imagination played out on a screen doesn't challenge your' own, at least read a book for escape.

Not your faith,  I didn't say religion that's a whole different topic, believe and act even though it may appear not to be true at that moment.

Not your' energy, remember just like your time you have life energy that must periodically be renewed. If you use it in a way that does not bring reward you may exceed the level that can be regenerated.

Remember it's all those little things that add up to create the whole or the hole.
It's your choice of adding or subtracting the little things that decides hole or whole.
So be safe, get out and go explore the world you live in.

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